i love

I began my career as a photographer in 2015 when I saw a self portrait by Rosie Hardy. She was standing in front of a rock wall with a vibrant red dress and I thought I can do that so I picked up my tiny Nikon CoolShot and it all began. 7 years later I finally took the shot of the girl in the red dress. Some of the pictures are in my creative portraits gallery.
I have since fallen in love with capturing the magic of everyday fairytales, adventures I take, love stories, memories, and so much more. I literally live and breathe this. This is so much more than a career to me. I cannot wait to see where this takes me.
A few random facts about me.
I was born 20 minutes outside of Nashville, TN but raised here in the foothills of NC. I am southern to the core.
I love to travel and have several travel plans in place. Cooking, painting, baking, singing, hiking, etc. are all hobbies of mine. I am a major gym girl but the realistic one who eats snacks and looks like a bum.
Honestly I love what I do and can't wait to share it with a family one day but until then I will be traveling with my best friends, baking the days away, and loving on my godbabies while capturing amazing people's memories.

hI. I'm Amanda



Dramatic Dresses


Ring Shots

Capturing Magic

Pretty Light

I feel love stories have magic, babies bring joy, and families bring hope. I believe I was meant to capture the memories of others so they have something to keep. I pursue my career with passion because I personally have very few photographs of some of my loved ones and I truly don't want that for others. This isn't just my career, it's my life. I live and breathe creativity and photography has given me an outlet. It's another form of my art. I just like making normal people apart of my art. So here's to many more years of couples and their fairytales, babies and their sweet smiles, families and their love for each other, and the art of captured magic.  

Why I do what I do..